Massage Therapists in Tulsa OK, Cynthia's Awesome Massage

Whether you've never had a massage in Tulsa OK before or had a million, teenager or geriatric, physically limited or not, pregnant or athletic, just want to destress or get some corrective relief . . . . you've come to the right place.

I can help you feel better and acheive optimum health through my holistic approach to Tulsa massage therapy. Come enjoy the many benefits of Swedish massage ,sports massage, pregnancy massage, or deep tissue massage. Hot or cold therapies are also avialable. You're sure to leave feeling refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated.

In these tight economic times I can help you maximize every dollar. I love to have fun as well, so we often have creative and interactive specials, open houses with door prizes and rewards for frequent Tulsa massage therapy customers and customers who send us referals. I love to decorate the office up for special occasions. And I can work with you to help you get Tulsa massages covered by insurance or other options such as using flexible spending accounts or using a Tulsa massage as your deduction for your insurance.

I operate out of New Life Massage & Bodyworks. Online we or I am on Facebook and many other professional business web pages, including, Linkedin, Google Places, Merchant Circle, Green Country, Yelp, Tulsa City Search, Yellow Pages, Manta, Thumbtack and Stik. Check us out there.