Dr. Henri Marcoux Chiropractic
Chiropractic care focuses mainly on the correction and maintenance of the complex neuro-spinal system. Stress from all sources (physical, mental, emotional and familial) has a profound negative effect on the spine. The spine is the central holding element of your body and any failures will give you symptoms. Chiropractic care is the most efficient system to correct problems and restore spinal function. If you are in pain or discomfort and feel the need for relief or want to improve your health overall of a chiropractor in call on Dr. Henri Marcoux. For the past 55 years we have offered a wide range of chiropractic services care for efficient pain management, whiplash recovery, disc problems, general spinal care, postural re-alignment, health maintenance and much more. For a conscientious service in Winnipeg, MB, call on Dr. Henri Marcoux at Marcoux Chiropractic.