Drug Rehab in Richmond VA, Archstone Counseling & Treatment


Archstone Counseling & Treatment is a unique group of therapists with the goal of providing an atmosphere of safety and positive energy in Richmond, VA, who has been serving the community for many years. We specialize in drug rehab, drug counseling, rehab, trauma, substance abuse and much more. We understand the complexity and frustration of trauma. At times, even life events that don't seem that severe can have a big impact. We see individuals, couples, families and groups. We also have a team member who works with children ages 6-18 and specializes in play therapy and parenting issues. If you would like additional assistance please call Archstone Counseling & Treatment in Richmond, VA or provide your contact information and we can reach out to you with a free consultation.

Duration: 00:31

Video tags: Drug Rehab, Drug Counseling, Rehab, Richmond, VA