Luxury Tea in Owings MD, SharaTea with Me

My Name is Sharalea It all started about 4 yrs. ago when I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. I start doing a lot of research on loose leaf tea's. I found that Black, Green, White Tea's all come from the same plant "Camellia Sinensis" a naturally caffeinated plant. Herbal , Fruit and Rooibos, Not only were they all caffeine free but, a lot of what I learned was that they were all very beneficial for your health.

I had always loved tea. When looking back in life there were plenty of things that would have led me on this path sooner. Only sometimes its takes us a little while to realize just what are calling is. One day while doing some research I knew that this was something I needed to let others know about.

Duration: 00:28

Video tags: Luxury Tea, Retail Tea, Tea Companies, Owings, MD