Physical Therapist in Destin FL, Quinn Physical Therapy PA: John Quinn MSPT

When you need a top rated physical therapist in Destin, FL, come to Quinn Physical Therapy PA: John Quinn MSPT, who has been practicing therapy since 2002. For many years we have offered a selection of services for a variety of conditions including Physical Therapist, Osteoporosis, Orthopedic Surgery Rehab and much more. Our staff is on hand to explain your therapy care and treatment options, set up any recurring appointments needed and works with the insurance carrier regarding your coverage. We strive to provide our clients with the best service and care available at rates that are easily affordable. When you have chronic pain, work related injuries or you need orthopedic rehab in Destin, FL, call on Quinn Physical Therapy PA: John Quinn MSPT, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality of service.